YOU Have the POWER To Shape Your Future with Septh Dietlin
This week I had a fascinating conversation with Seph Dietlin where we discussed Using Your Own POWER to create your future-
Seph is a psychic who works with the angelic realm, a hypnotherapist and an energy healer.
He does past-life regressions, connects people to their spirit guides and loved ones who have passed, success programming and more.
Seph teaches intuitive development through his angels and tarot master class and is the author of the "Ascension with the Angels Tarot".
Seph is also a conscious creator, as the host of the Podcasts, "Talk To My Angels" and Earth- Angels International".
Whether it's manifesting a healthy relationship, success as an entrepreneur, or amazing health, Seph uses his unique gift of communicating with the angels to guide them down the most powerful path!
In this episode, Seph talks about his own journey to the healing realm and becoming an Angel Channel.
Seph also elaborates on The Miracle Method which he utilizes in his private coaching -
There are 3 Keys to Alignment which are necessary to be able to shape our day to day life and manifest our dreams:
1) Awake and Connect- to our higher consciousness
2) Self-Love- this is essential for sustained change in your life
3) Collapsing Limiting Beliefs- and Inviting in New Infinite Beliefs
This is an inspiring and fun conversation- and remember. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
You can contact Seph at:
Instagram: @sephdietlin
Facebook: Talk To My Angels with Seph Dietlin
Facebook: Seph Dietlin
Podcasts: Earth Angels International
Talk To My Angels
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer