Move Well, Live Well and Age Well Through Jointful Yoga with Kathy White
Mobility is an aspect of aging that is often overlooked but is crucial if we want to continue to participate in the sports we love, play with our pets and grandchildren and most importantly- prevent injury!
Today I am speaking with Kathy White, who developed her Joint Renewal System when she turned 50 and despite teaching yoga for over 20 years, her joints were aching, her menopausal symptoms were raging and she was not gaining any benefit from her practice anymore.
She retrained in the Kaiut method and has now refined it into a jointful yoga for active "men and women" over 50 who want to keep on doing the sports and activities they love. It's kind of like adding WD 40 to your joints!
Kathy offers a unique and mindful approach to body and mind that rejuvenates the body, calms the nervous system and builds strength and vitality as people age.
In this episode we discuss:
Why is focusing on the joints so important?-
How did this form of yoga help you?-
Do you have to be flexible to do this yoga?-
How does Jointful Yoga differ from conventiional yoga?-
Do you do 'poses' in Jointful Yoga?-
How long are the sessions?-
And much more....
You can reach Kathy at:
Facebook: Kathy White Yoga
Instagram: @kathywhiteyoga
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer