How Perfectionism Can Rule Your Life with Dr. Traci Nicole Smith
"Like a weed, perfectionism grows into an overpowering force that steals nutrients from your source, damaging it's vibrancy. Even if you pull up the weeds by the roots, they will return unless you address the cause of why the weeds grew"
These are the words of Dr. Traci Nicole Smith, who is a Conscious Driven Living Coach, empowering others to embody joy through intentionality. To live purposefully, feel passionately and align authentically!
Dr. Susan and Traci discuss Perfectionism- how it can develop
- characteristics of a Perfectionist
- some simple tools to keep it under control
The key to Perfectionism is working with the strengths of this" syndrome" while not allowing it to rule your life- for example: never being satisfied
: not taking risks or trying new things due to a fear of failure
:self sabotage
: lack of self acceptance
to name a few.
"Perfectionism is internalized oppression". Gloria Steinem
Join the conversation with Dr. Susan and Traci and we welcome all comments!!
You can find Traci on Instagram: @tracinicolesmith
Website :www.tracinicolesmith.com
Linkedin :Traci Nicole Smith, Ph.D
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer