Ayurvedic Herbs And Health Strategies Made EASY with Tamara Hiller
On today's episode Professional Herbalist, Tamara Hiller introduces Dr. Susan to ayurvedic herbs that can be used in 5 categories as prevention or treatment:
1)Anti-Aging Herbs
2)Maintain Health- Immunity
3)Balance Hormones
4)Maintain and build Energy-prevent Adrenal Fatigue and improve SLEEP
5)Digestive Issues
Tamara Hiller is a licensed midwife and professional Herbalist and helps people to address the root cause of their health issues with effective herbal strategies from science based Phytotherapy; ancient Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese and Western Herbalism. She is born and raised in Germany- has travelled alot, lived for 10 years in Brazil and is now living in Southern Europe with her family.
This episode is filled with VALUABLE Information! These are cost effective supplements that if taken appropriately, will improve the quality of your life and keep you away from your doctors office and prescription pharmaceuticals!!
Grab a pen and paper- you wont want to miss any information!
Listen to Tamara on her Podcast:Down To Earth Herbalism with Tamara
You can reach Tamara on her website: herbalhelp.net
On Instagram: @herbal.help
On Facebook: @tamara hiller
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer