The Secret Of Life with Judith Costa
Do You Want To Be HAPPY??
Once the "innocence" of our childhood begins to dim, our conditioned beliefs take over- Many people "struggle" to find that elusive state of HAPPINESS-
Today, Dr. Susan has the pleasure of speaking with Certified Happiness Coach Judith Costa about learning to Love Ourselves with Compassion and how that will lead to a life filled with Inner Joy and Happiness...
In this episode we discuss:
Judith's personal journey to self love-
What is Happiness??-
Why we need to Stop looking EXTERNALLY for Happiness-
What are the Akashic Recordings and how are they used-
How do we connect with our innate inner joy?-
How does Loving Yourself change your External World?-
Can we truly Love Another if we do not Love Ourselves-
And so much more...
Judith and I had an amazing conversation which will leave you feeling inspired-
Do you want to live a life of abundance , prosperity, a life without fear, feeling secure and fully supported?
Listen, learn and ENJOY!!!
If you want to learn more about the Akashic Recordings and to contact Judith for a reading or coaching:
Instagram: @judithcosta2
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer