Nutrition for Skin Health with Alison Bladh
Today we are focusing on "Skin Health" during Menopause and Beyond with Registered Nutritional Therapist and Beauty Therapist Alison Bladh.
Alison lives in Sweden and has worked in the health and wellness industry for over 30 years, specializing globally in menopause/woman's health. She now runs her own online clinic helping women worldwide manage the negative symptoms of menopause. Her mission is to support her clients with changes to diet, health and lifestyle so they can harness their hormones and get their confidence and sparkle back!
In this very informative episode, Dr. Susan and Alison discuss:
Skin changes during menopause and solutions-
The effects of Sugar consumption on the skin-
What about "Sugar Replacements?"
The effects of Alcohol on the skin-
What to do about Pigmentation on the skin-
How does lack of Sleep affect our skin?-
STRESS- how does it affect our skin -
And More....
There is an overabundance of information on the internet on superfoods we NEED to include in our diet, what foods are demonized such as bread, red meat, dairy and the list goes on-
Alison has a very balanced approach to her diet and lifestyle recommendations which can be easily incorporated into daily habits TODAY!
Check out Alison's website at: https://www.alisonbladh.com
and on all social media: Instagram: @alisonbladh
Facebook: Alison Bladh Nutrition
Twitter: @pinktearoom
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer