A Higher Road with D. Neil Elliott
Today, I am presenting an interview with author D. Neil Elliott about his book " A Higher Road, Cleanse Your Consciousness to Transcend the Ego and Ascend Spiritually.
To any outsider, Neil was highly educated, owned a profitable consulting firm and had a successful career and an amazing wife and family. But, things were not all they seemed to be-Neil was facing alot of inner turmoil and found himself in a dark place.
As Neil explains in the interview, at age 57 he hit rock bottom-feeling depressed, anxious and trapped. Quite by accident, he discovered a Higher Road. As he traveled that road, he found the key to transforming his life- not through positive thinking, saying affirmations chanting mantras or traveling to India to sit at the feet of a guru.
In his book, A Higher Road, Neil shares the key to transforming our lives and his own journey, as an example.
You can reach Neil through his website:
Instagram: @dnelliott64
Facebook: Neil Elliott
A Higher Road-Cleanse Your Consciousness to Transcend the Ego and Ascend Spiritually is available on Amazon
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Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer