Postcards To The Universe with Melisa Caprio
Melisa Caprio, author, photographer, radio host and creator of Postcards to the Universe- A Global Movement for Manifestation, is inviting people from around the world to participate in this movement. By using photography, art, personal wishes and desires and sending them out to the Universe via a postcard. Her inspiration comes from a desire to have a forum where people come together in creative ways for global change. She is currently giving workshops on photography, art, transformation and manifestation. She guides her clients on how to create a unique postcard for added effect on the power of creative intention.
Today, Melisa and I discuss the process of Manifestation- in particular the essential elements necessary to SUCCESSFULLY manifest your desires!!
In this episode we discuss:
-Melisa's personal journey and transformation
- The KEY steps to Manifesting
- The most common stumbling blocks
- Misconceptions about manifesting
- How do creating Postcards help in the manifestation process
- How to shift your energy to "allow" yourself to "receive"
And much, much more....
Melisa's book: Postcards to the Universe:Harness the Universe's Power and Manifest Your Dreams. is available on Amazon
Melisa's Podcast: Postcards to the Universe with Melisa Caprio-Creating the Life You Crave
Melisa's Radio Show: Postcards to the Universe with Melisa Caprio-Creating the Life You Crave is available on OM Times Radio
You can reach Melisa at:
On Instagram:@postcardstotheuniverse
On Facebook: Postcards to the Universe
This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca
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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer